Draw Block Diagram of Communication System

The advice system is a system which describes the information exchange between ii points. The procedure of manual and reception of information is called advice. The major elements of communication are the Transmitter of information, Channel or medium of communication and the Receiver of data.

Table of Contents

  • Types Of Communication Systems
  • Examples Of Communication Systems
  • Elements Of Communication Systems
  • Block Diagram of Advice Systems
  • Objective Questions

 Communication System

Types Of Communication Systems

Depending on Point specification or technology, the communication organization is classified as follows:

(1) Analog

Analog engineering science communicates information equally electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude. Broadcast and telephone transmission are mutual examples of Analog technology.

(2) Digital

In digital engineering, the data are generated and processed in two states: Loftier (represented equally one) and Low (represented as 0). Digital applied science stores and transmits information in the class of 1s and 0s.

Types Of Communication Systems

Depending on the communication aqueduct, the communication arrangement is categorized as follows:

ane. Wired (Line communication)

  • Parallel wire communication
  • Twisted wire communication
  • Coaxial cable communication
  • Optical fibre communication

2. Wireless (Infinite communication)

  • Basis moving ridge communication
  • Skywave communication
  • Space wave communication
  • Satellite communication

Examples Of Communication Systems

The following are a few examples of communication systems:

ane. Net

2. Public Switched Phone network

3. Intranet and Extranet

4. Television

Elements Of Advice Systems

The definitions of the terms used in the communication organization are discussed below.


Bulletin or information is the entity that is to be transmitted. Information technology can be in the form of audio, video, temperature, moving-picture show, force per unit area, etc.


The single-valued role of fourth dimension that carries the information. The information is converted into an electrical form for transmission.


A device or an arrangement that converts one grade of energy to the other. An electric transducer converts physical variables such equally pressure level, force, temperature into respective electrical point variations. Example: Microphone – converts audio signals into electric signals. Photodetector – converts light signals into electrical signals.


The electronic excursion or device that increases the amplitude or the forcefulness of the transmitted signal is chosen an amplifier. When the bespeak force becomes less than the required value, amplification tin be washed anywhere in betwixt transmitter and receiver. A DC power source will provide for the amplification.


As the original message point cannot be transmitted over a large distance because of their low frequency and amplitude, they are superimposed with loftier frequency and amplitude wave called carrier wave. This phenomenon of superimposing of message bespeak with a carrier wave is chosen modulation. And the resultant wave is a modulated wave which is to exist transmitted.

Again there are dissimilar types of Modulation.

i. Aamplitude Modulation (AM)

The process of changing the amplitude of the betoken wave past impressing or superimposing it on a high-frequency carrier moving ridge, keeping its frequency constant is called amplitude modulation.

ii. Frequency Modulation (FM)

Frequency modulation is a technique in which the frequency of the message signal is varied by modulating with a carrier moving ridge. It is improve than amplitude modulation considering it eliminates noise from various sources.

iii. Phase Modulation (PM)

The phase of the carrier wave changes the phase of the signal wave. The phase shift later modulation is dependent on the frequency of the carrier wave as well. Phase modulated waves are immune to noise to a greater extent.


Information technology is the arrangement that processes the message betoken into a suitable grade for transmission and subsequently reception.


An Antenna is a construction or a device that volition radiate and receive electromagnetic waves. So, they are used in both transmitters and receivers. An antenna is basically a metallic object, oft a drove of wires. The electromagnetic waves are polarised according to the position of the antenna.


A aqueduct refers to a concrete medium such as wire, cables, space through which the signal is passed from the transmitter to the receiver. There are many channel impairments that affect channel functioning to a pronounced level. Racket, Attenuation and distortion to mention the major impairments.


Racket is one of the aqueduct imperfection or impairment in the received bespeak at the destination. At that place are external and internal sources that cause dissonance. External sources include interference, i.e. interference from nearby transmitted signals (cantankerous talk), interference generated by a natural source such equally lightning, solar or cosmic radiation, automobile generated radiation, etc. The external dissonance can be minimised and eliminated past the appropriate design of the channel, shielding of cables. Also past digital transmission external noise can exist much minimised.

Internal sources include racket due to random motion and collision of electrons in the conductors, thermal noise due to improvidence and recombination of charge carriers in other electronic devices. Internal dissonance can exist minimised past cooling and using digital technology for transmission.

⎫ A different cable blueprint.

⎫ Proper pattern of the channel.

⎫ Use digital manual

⎫ Using BPF or LPF at the receiver side.

Larn More:

  • Pulse Width Modulation


Attenuation is a trouble caused by the medium. When the signal is propagating for a longer distance through a medium, depending on the length of the medium the initial power decreases. The loss in initial power is direct proportional to the length of the medium. Using amplifiers, the bespeak power is strengthened or amplified then as to reduce attenuation. Too, digital signals are insufficiently less prone to attenuation than analogue signals.



It is besides some other type of channel problem. When the signal is distorted, the distorted point may have frequency and bandwidth different from the transmitted signal. The variation in the betoken frequency can be linear or not-linear.


An arrangement that extracts the message or information from the transmitted betoken at the output cease of the aqueduct and reproduces it in a suitable form every bit the original message signal is a receiver.


It is the inverse miracle of modulation. The process of separation of message signal from the carrier wave takes place in the demodulator. The information is retrieved from the modulated wave.


Repeaters are placed at dissimilar locations in between the transmitter and receiver. A repeater receives the transmitted signal, amplifies it and send it to the next repeater without distorting the original signal.


Block Diagram of Communication Systems

The block diagram given below represents the flow of the signal from the source to the destination. The role of every device and arrangement discussed above is meliorate understood.

Block Diagram Of Communication Systems

Objective Questions

1. Out of the post-obit, which is not an essential chemical element of a communication system?

a) Transmitter b) Transducer

c) Receiver d) Communication channel

2. A device which provides output in electric form or information technology has input in electrical form is called a?

a) Transmitter b) Receiver

c) Repeater d) Transducer

3. Decrease in signal strength due to energy losses is called?

a) Distortion b) Interference

c) Attenuation d) Noise

4. The disturbance or distortion in the transmission and processing of message signals is called?

a) Noise b) Attenuation

c) Interference d) None of these

5. A repeater is a combination of?

a) Receiver b) Amplifier

c) Transmitter d) All of these


1. d

2. d

3. c

4. a

five. b


Source: https://byjus.com/jee/communication-systems/

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